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By the daily star of 23 May we informed that a total of 2,927 institutions under ten education boards secured 100 percent pass while 49 institutions have seen zero percent pass in this year's secondary school certificate and equivalent examinations.
Of the successful institutions, 150 are in Dhaka, 141 in Rajshahi, 85 in Comilla, 33 in Jessore, 31 in Chittagong, 32 in Barisal, 43 in Sylhet and 46 in Dinajpur.
Under Madrasa Board, 2,308 institutions achieved 100 percent success while the number of such institutions is 58 under the Technical Education Board (TEB).
Last year, the number of institutions with 100 percent success was 2,726 while it was 72 with zero pass rate.
This year the number of institutions having 100 percent pass has increased in all education boards except for Barisal and Madrasa education boards. In Barisal board, it has declined from 35 to 32 while it is from 2,327 to 2,308 in Madrasa board.
The number of schools having 100 percent success rate in eight general education boards increased to 561 this year from 343 last year.
Rajshahi, Comilla and Chittagong education boards have no institution with zero pass rate, while the number is one for Dhaka and Sylhet education boards.
Four institutions of Barisal board, two institutions each of Jessore and Dinajpur education boards have failed to have any successful student. A total of 31 madrasas and eight institutions under the TEB could not secure a single success.

this news shows progress of our education system. We want to continuation this progress.


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